615-544-5552   [email protected]


What is included in your services?

We handle everything from start to finish. We have an architect who will help design plans to your specific needs. We are General Contractors and will handle everything from pulling permits all the way to the finished product.

Does my zoning allow me to build a Garage Apartment or a DADU (Detached Accessory Dwelling Unit) on my property?

Call or email for an answer on your zoning (615-544-5552 or [email protected])

I want an apartment without a garage.  Is this possible?

Yes, we can build detached dwellings without a garage as well.

How long does it take to build a Garage Apartment?

Once the survey and plans are done, the actually building process usually takes 6 months.

I live in the Historic Overlay, can you build a Garage Apartment there?

Yes, we have plans that are approved by the Historic Commission.

How do I get started?

Call or email us today at 615-544-5552 or [email protected] and we’ll set up a meeting to discuss!